hoy no hay risas
"The District Sleeps Alone Tonight"
Smeared black ink... your palms are sweaty
And I'm barely listening to last demands
I'm staring at the asphalt wondering what's buried underneath
Where I am
I'll wear my badge... a vinyl sticker with big block letters adherent to my chest
That tells your new friends I am a visitor here...
I am not permanent
And the only thing keeping me dry is
Where I am
You seem so out of context in this gaudy apartment complex
A stranger with your door key explaining that I am just visiting
And I am finally seeing
I was the one worth leaving
JR sleeps alone tonight
Where I am
The district sleeps alone tonight after the bars turn out their lights
And send the autos swerving into the loneliest evening
And I am finally seeing
I was the one worth leaving
I was the one worth leaving
I was the one worth leaving
I was the one worth leaving
the one worth leaving....
the one worth leaving....
the one worth leaving....
-modificado de Postal Service....
porque? si lo unico que he hecho es dar lo mejor de mi y hacer mi mejor esfuerzo? me siento como si estuviera adentro de Esperando a Godot, vida absurda...
neta es horrible esto de ser el bufón de Dios... es como un lote de carros, y por mas barato, cuidado y nuevo que este el lambourgini, nadie lo compra porque paso de modao algo asi que no entiendo.... quiza a nadie le gusta el verde ya?...sucks big time
sentimientos que no sabia que estaban alli salieron... y ahora no tengo mas que un dedo para tapar el sol....
muy triste....
=( feel like shit right now....
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