Tuesday, September 19, 2006

La Confesion de Yoda...

Ayer yoda no nos dijo nada porque estaba dando una entrevista sobre su recuperacion despues de caer al fondo del barril de el sexo, drogas y rocanrol hace un tiempo... aqui el reportaje original de ese entonces.

Yesterday afternoon DFTFC was offered an exclusive interview with Jedi Master Yoda. Yoda came to us because as he put it "You guys interview fairly Jedi - lie not in my name, hmm???"

Yoda, 978, has been living on Earth since the late-seventies when he was hired to play himself in "The Empire Strikes Back", the second film in George Lucas' mammoth reworking of the true epic chronicles of the Jedi. He was scandalised in 1992 when pictures of him in coitus with young sheep called Thomas had been published in leading newspapers and the Guardian. The picture has always been claimed by LucasArts, who have made four films in the series to date, to have been a clever forgery. However, yesterday Yoda himself made the situation quite clear: "Had the sheep did I. Most regrettable it was. No work for many years had there been, needed an escape did I - trapped I was."

Yoda also admitted to a drink problem at around the same time: "Much booze I had, much headaches... pissed as a fart I was". It all paints a sad picture for such an icon of the screen. "Then went into rehab did I. Then special editions. Clever bastard is George. Special editions lead to revenue, revenue leads to cash, cash leads to spending". It seems Yoda's excessive spending was more or less under control for a while, but after completing work on the recent prequel "The Phantom Menace" it seems things got out of hand: "went to strange clubs did I. Many drugs did I, many orgies and whippings had I hmm???" He then handed us the following picture, taken at a seedy club in Pittsburgh last July...

"George found me there, thinking, in the shit I was. Rescued me he did, from the dark side. Now back in rehab am I. Out soon should I be, work on new film, hmm?" We pressed Yoda to tell us more about the new film: "Wait you must - or bribe, or there is no tell". We took offence at this and kicked him out of the office.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Mao Qiang y Li Ji (dos hermosas cortesanas) son lo que la gente considera bello, pero si las ven los peces, estos escaparán nadando al fondo del agua…si las ven los pájaros, volarán lejos por el aire… si las ven venados, estos correrán lejos. Entre estos cuatro, ¿Quién es el que sabe lo que en realidad es hermoso en el mundo?

- Zhuangzi (370 AC)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

la cheve, seleccion natural y la apophenia

Surfeando osciosamente por el las grandiosas olas interminables del internet me encontre con este pedacito de historia. Cheers es un programa muy viejo para que nosotros nos acordemos peeeeeeeeero, podemos ver como a diferencia de los pokemones de ahora, contenian verdadera sabiduria.... en esta un wey que se llama Cliff le explica la “TEORIA DEL BUFFALO” a Norm, otro borracho del bar…..tengo uno que otro amigo que vive de acuerdo a esta teoria jeje

"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But, naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

Apoco no es impresionante como se reitera aqui que nosotros los humanos no vemos lo que esta enfrente de nosotros, sino que vemos lo que QUEREMOS VER.....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

THEIR land

Su tierra, mitad de la que solia ser nuestra. Tratando de poner mood para el 16, podemos crear un poco mas de nacionalismo indirectamente si nos damos cuenta de que aunque nos hayan quitado la mitad del continente, los gringos siempre seguiran siendo unos P*&$#% jejeje
ve ESTA peliculilla chida que hicieron los weyes de JibJab..... extrañamente, Bush si cae bien... al menos en los 2 min 30 segs que dura la peliculilla jajaj.

*leer lo siguiente DESPUES de ver la peliculilla*
that land was OUR land... and now it´s YOUR land... you're stuck up shitheads... and we're poor bastards... i´m not goin´to your land... cuz you just suu uuuck... so you can go aaaaand stick the fingerprints up your aaaaassss!!!

jajajaj viva mexico

Monday, September 11, 2006

lunes de...escuchando a YODA

yoda nos dice hoy:
do or do not...THERE IS NO TRY

Litany Against Fear

"I must not fear
Fear is the mind-killer
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration
I will face my fear
I will permit it to pass over me and through me
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see it's path
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing
Only I will remain"

de Dune. Quien fuera paul atreides verdad.... bueno pues aveces si ayuda mucho, pero solo si te pones a pensar en lo que estas diciendo... AQUI algunas lineas interesantes que estan entre los libros de Herbert.

ojala no me tenga que acordar de esto cuando este haciendo mi examen en la noche....jeje

Sunday, September 10, 2006

un dia una amiga me estaba haciendo contarle lo que pensaba que era dios. pense por un buen rato y le dije "dios piensa, pero no piensa" jaja, le dio mucha risa. Aunque para mi hiciera mucha logica, a ella le parecia que estaba cantifleando. desde entonces hemos tendimo muchas largas discusiones sobre el "piensa pero no piensa" pero nunca he podido convencerla de que no es cantinflear, sino que es la verdad. hoy no sabia que escribir porque es fin de semana, y no aprendi nada suficientemente interesante de la peda como para compartirselos (excepto que no deben de ponerle birttney spears al "tio C" cuando este pedo porque da pena ajena jeje) entonces le pregunte si tenia alguna idea, y despues de mentarme madres por decirle que esta bien wey me dijo que si soy tan chingon, porque no trato de decir porque dios piensa pero no piensa. entonces aqui estoy tratando de probarme, jajaj aunque yo se que ni para que lo hago porque en realidad no soy tan chingon como ella cree jeje.. pero shh no hay que decir nada...

entonces.... Dios Piensa pero No Piensa......
yo digo que dios si piensa porque no la cago con nada, el sabe que pedo bien cabron. tengo dos de cada cosa (bueno CASI cada cosa porque algunas nomas deben de venir una jeje... no malpienses, digo de que el cerebro la nariz, ombligo y boca ehhh jajaj aunque bueno las demas cosas tambien), los animalitos viven en harmonia y las plantas nos dan oxigeno. las olas vienen y van y la lluvia que cae se vuelve a hacer nubes arriba. todo sirve muy bien, entonces con esto se prueba que si piensa porque si no no le hubiera salido. o al menos no le hubiera salido tan bien... pero por el otro lado tenemos que no piensa. y es verdad, NO PIENSA!!! lo que pasa es que es taaan chingon, que no tiene que pensar. como explicarlo?? es tan chingon lo que nos hizo (llamale como quieras) que ni pensar tenia que hacer. con el solo hecho de que iba a empezar a nacer un deseo ya estaba cumplido... entonces no tuvo que pensar. es algo como las piedras en el monte. no estan alli para nada, no quieren estar, ni quieren NO estar... nomas estan. no tienen que andar preocupandose como nosotros de que si queremos o no queremos o que si debemos o no.... nomas estan.
me explique?? jajaja alomejor no, pero bueno esta bien... no les digo que en realidad no soy taaaan chingon... nomas aveces jeje
bueno pero ya que este post esta siendo bien vanal y como que no aporta nada a la causa, alomejor podemos tratar de rescatarlo. lo pasado quiza nos evocaria la milenaria falla en el sistema de que la biblia nos dijo que dios nos hizo como el.
mi abuelita piensa que es un wey alli arriba sentado en una nube con cuantiosos bebesillos en bolas tocando harpas y trompetas..... tambien se enoja si le digo que nuestros antepasados eran changos y que noe y su arca no existieron... pero esa es otra historia.
yo pienso que hemos malentendido bien cabron todo lo que nos dijeron porque no tomamos en cuenta a quien estaba dirigido. unos weyes en el desierto que no tenian compus no podian tener el nivel de abstraccion mental que a nosotros los modernos nos toma veintitantos años en desarollar. por eso todo lo decian de una forma figurada para que al menos hiciera el efecto necesario. un poco maquiavelico, como las advertencias de mi mama de que si voy al teibol se me secan los ojos jeje claro que no me se me van a secar los ojos, pero si no tuviera conocimiento rudimental de como sirve el cuerpo y el mundo, igual y si lo creeria, entonces no irira, cumpliendo la razon de la advertencia. como se que no se me van a secar, entonces mi razon de no ir no tiene nada que ver con que se me sequen los ojos (fuera del humo de mis compañeros babeando y fumando nerviosos) sino que no voy porque se que nomas va a brotar infelicidad por ir. infelicidad porque no voy a poder tener a la vieja que esta enfrente, y porque despues cuando una muchacha no quiera ser como la teibolera que vi, no voy a estar satisfecho con ella... (repercusiones gachas no? y nunca las pensamos...) pero bueno ya me desvie del tema jeje
entonces ya en resumen, en realidad no es que nos parezcamos fisicamente, si no que podemos pensar (no que no pensaba?? jajaj) pero no pensar en el sentido convencional, sino que podemos tener una conciencia despierta en donde podemos decidir... y eso es mas bien lo que tenemos en comun... podemos.. DECIDIR...... asi como en realidad dios no piensa, nomas decide.... y por eso es que piensa pero no piensa, no tiene que pensar... solo decide... eso implica algo de pensamiento, pero no como pensar como siempre lo pensamos (valga la redundacia)
. los animalitos no deciden, nadamas hacen.... y eso es lo que nos hace diferentes a ellos... pero seguiria preguntarnos ¿sera bueno poder decidir? yo digo que no tanto... pero pues a veces si jajajaj al menos nos evitariamos muchos problemas.

bueno ya me voy a ver el duelo... que por cierto esta bien cool veanla. movie ochentera sobre unos weyes espadachines en una academia de esgrima, en donde el que limpia el suelo es un chingonsote que le pone una chinga al profe pero nadie sabe.

bueno, mañana se me hace que no tengo clase de prospectiva entonces no se preocupen, no va a haber post de teorias de sistemas y madres por el estilo....

flotando en la linea entre el malviaje y la normalidad les mando un saludo a la banda...

Friday, September 08, 2006

How do our instincts determine the way collective identities function?

Estaba haciendo limpia de mis folders y encontre esto. es un trabajillo que hice de proyecto para una clase de teoria de RI que nos daba un aleman philip muller. estaba loco ese wey jajaj muy cool de profe, y cuando lo lean, alomejor pueden ver que por tanto tiempo juntos en el salon de clase, lo loco se pasaba a los alumnos tambien jeje ojala no se me aburran. PD una que otra oracioncilla me la piratie de uno de los libros de amero abajo jeje alli les pongo lonks a cosas que pueda ser que quieran saber que signifiquen. =)

How do our instincts determine the way collective identities function?

The problem of how collective identities work, and how individuals function inside of them has been subject to many attempts of clarification. Over the history of man this question, although not always exactly the same, has had an outmost importance for the study of human beings and their relations to their peers. This is important to the study of international relations because without collective identities the way people and states interact and function would be radically different of what we know now. Collective identities govern our loyalties and shape our perspectives on what to expect form others, as well as dictating the way we negotiate. Given the importance of collective identities for relations, it would be convenient to study the way people, the building blocks of these collectivities, function inside of them. By taking a point of view which has as a basis the undeniable instincts which we as humans all have in common, we can bring new light to this obscure and subjective topic.

When Charles Darwin published his Origin of Species in 1859 the world changed forever. It was given a great tool to analyze things of an amazing variety and scope, and in a way that had never before been possible. By utilizing the concepts of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, and taking them further we can now give great scientificity to theories which before would have been inconceivable, and we now have a greater understanding of subjects which before seemed baffling, or simply too obscure to ever understand. Darwin’s theory is, like quantum physics or molecular biology, a body of scientific theory, but unlike them, it is also a way of analyzing and describing everyday life. This is the way in which I will try to explain and describe the way our genes dictate the way collective identities function.

The theory of evolution is often misunderstood because of it’s relative simplicity. One can see it as a clever adaptation of Adam Smith’s economic principle of the “invisible hand” to the propagation of a species, or one could see it the other way around, Smith’s invisible hand as simply the result of our instinct to reproduce our own genes taken into the context of economy. Either perspective is the same and makes no difference in the final result. It’s logic is basically that there are more animals born than could possibly survive, therefore only a few will make it to have offspring. The slightest advantage an individual has to propagate his genes will, over time, make the trait that gives this advantage a normal characteristic of the species. The most basic of these advantage giving traits is the desire to propagate your own genes. So here is Smith’s invisible hand at work making individuals act unconsciously to spread their genes. It is important to specify that it’s not the individual that chooses the genes, but the genes themselves that choose the individual. Natural selection is not some conscious process in which individuals are selected to give their genes to the next generations. It is simply a statistical feature of nature, advantages will, over time, give more and more advantage if this advantage is passed from the individual to his offspring, making a trait better diffused by each successful mating.

If we view humans as subject to this kind of logic, and as extremely refined and optimized by millions of years of evolution since Australopithecus, then we could say that every action and decision will be made, consciously or unconsciously, in a form that will advance that person’s chances of survival and subsequent generation of offspring. In this way we can infer that these kinds of actions will have a great influence on our everyday activities, and evidently, the reasons why we do things. What we must have in mind is that humans, and their ancestral species developed in a world very different than our own. This world resembles more closely that of a hunter-gatherer society. In other words, we live in cities, drive our cars, watch TV, drink beer and eat pizza, all the while being pushed and pulled by feelings designed to propagate our genes in a small hunter-gatherer population.

It is known that we humans are a social species, but the obvious question would be; why? In short, living in groups elevates the chances of survival in the form of protection and group cooperation. Now, being a social species it is natural that collective identities are formed, so “for those animals which were benefited by living in close association, the individuals which took the greatest pleasure in society would best escape various dangers; whilst those that cared least for their comrades and lived solitary would perish in greater numbers” (Wright 186). This would make the species more and more social with each passing generation. In the hunter-gatherer sense, a group would mean a close-knit community of individuals. This environment is especially fertile ground in which instincts that drive us to have as many things in common with our fellows would certainly sprout, and consolidate themselves with much force, making individuals “take greatest pleasure in society”.

A group like this, in order to work and be effective in protection and cooperation, would have a lot of social, unspoken rules or norms. These norms would regulate behavior and lead to morality and altruism. We developed a conscience that reproves us when we break these norms, and the other members of the group would punish us for our noncompliance. The problem with this is that humans have such a diverse spectrum of points of view on what these norms are. There is a great diversity, from the shame a Muslim woman would feel when exposing her face, to the shame a Hindu would feel by breaking his caste, human definitions of morality are very different. If explained by instinct, why so much variety? Do Arabs, Africans, Asians and Englishmen have different morality genes? The answer is a rotund NO. We are all different races, but not different species, as some thought in the 1800´s. Races are variations of a single species, and therefore differ only slightly in their genetic make up. All humans have things in common in this respect, we all have a deep sensitivity to public opinion, we love approbation by our peers, and abhor having a bad reputation by our moral standards. “The breach of norms can cause a man “agony” and the violation of some trivial bit of etiquette, when recalled even years after, can bring back a burning sense of shame.”(Wright 184) So by this we can say that adherence to the norms has an innate basis, comes in our genes, but the specific contents of the norms we follow are not inborn. Different peoples have different norms because, for their own historical reasons, they judge different norms to be in the interest of the collectivity. The individual who maximizes friendships and minimizes antagonisms will have the evolutionary advantage, and therefore selection would favor those characteristics that promote the optimization of personal relationships. This “optimization” is brought on by following our feelings, not by conscious calculation. In 1971 Robert Trivers published a paper called The Evolution Of Reciprocal Altruism in The Quarterly Review of Biology. In his paper, Trivers said that “friendship, dislike, moralistic aggression, gratitude, sympathy, trust, suspicion, trustworthiness, aspects of guilt and some forms of dishonesty and hypocrisy can be explained as important adaptations to regulate the altruistic system”. These feelings take the role of our social logic, like compassion and gratitude. Gratitude can get people to repay favors without giving much thought to the fact that that’s what they’re doing. In the same way compassion is felt more strongly towards some kinds of people, like the ones we’re grateful to, and with little consciousness of the fact, we repay kindness.

The question now is, how do we study this reciprocal altruism? The answer lies in game theory and computers. The problem , one could say, is that game theory lacks a lot in realism. This would be because as humans we don’t really act rationally and calculating all the time like a machine. The good news is that it doesn’t matter here because feelings don’t concern us, only the mechanisms that make these feelings, and we could say that evolution is like a virtual machine, which produced us across thousands of millions of years. Selection does not “think” or “choose”, it just happens… the inevitability of overwhelming statistics. Game theory can, and has, been put to use on this theory to produce very credible and interesting results.

As we know game theory bases the transactions and decisions on a given “currency”, which in this case is total genetic proliferation, or complete fitness to function and propagate in a given environment. The only rules we must follow to study this under game theory are that the goal is genetic proliferation, that this environment is not the one we live in now but a hunter gatherer society, that once an best possible strategy has been identified the work is not done, and lastly that we have to figure out what feelings would lead humans to pursue that strategy. Those feelings will, or should, be part of human nature.

An important objection to this kind of thinking would be the idea of explaining altruism. The idea of a soldier who gives his life for the collectivity would seem to defeat this theory, but there is a good explanation for this kind of behavior: Kin Selection.

Kin selection consists in the idea that since identical copies of genes may be carried in relatives, a gene in one organism that prompts behavior which aids another organism carrying the same gene may become more successful. Kin selection normally requires some type of kin recognition mechanism. This is possible only when Hamilton’s Rule applies.

Hamilton’s rule is : “R * B > C, where R is the genetical relatedness of the recipient to the actor, B is the additional reproductive benefit gained by the recipient of the altruistic act and C is the reproductive cost to the acting individual. This leads to the concept that an individual should sacrifice itself in order to save two siblings, four nephews or eight cousins," since siblings share 50% of an individual's genes, nephews 25% and cousins 12.5%”.

Kin selection occurs every time an individual commits an altruistic act in benefit of some sibling, like say, the death of a male defending his tribe (remember that our instincts were fashioned and developed in a hunter-gatherer-like society). This type of decisions, made by individuals are products of genetic traits which make them feel that the collectivity is greater than oneself. In this way collectivities can develop a kind of “communal conscience” and thus all the observations of mass psychology.

It is important to note the difference in this theory with “biological determinism”. The way collectivities and systems work is not entirely defined by biological factors, as biological determinism thinks, but is instead dictated by three factors; social, environmental, and biological ones.

This problem of analyzing collective identities requires a three pronged approach because of this. One can envision the way collective identities function as a rope. Ropes are not made of a single strand. They are ,in fact, constructed normally of three strands of twisted twine which when together make a strong rope. The strands all serve the same function, but can serve as a rope by themselves. We can imagine each of these strands as one of the influences on how collectivities function. When envisioned in conjunction we can have a great understanding of the phenomenon, but each of them carry in themselves the necessary attributes to form a single explicative discourse. That is why studying this kind of influences is important. Although a biological approach to this phenomenon is not able to explain things in their entirety, it can help us understand better the way collective identities function. I have chosen to propose this biological approach because it is, in my opinion, the one that grants greater certainty to our observations. This is because of the falsifiable quality of the asseverations which can be reached.

This field of study, although very difficult to maneuver in, can have great benefits to the understanding of this complex phenomenon. The problem is that the direction many people have given this kind of study have given a bad name to it, and have obscured our opinions as to it’s usefulness. The directions given before have always limited themselves to describe and not to predict. They have stayed at much lower levels of analysis, such as analyzing individual behaviors in a person, but we can take this one step further into whole collectivities in order to advance our understanding of them. One day, given sufficient investigation and theorizing, we could even get to predict collective actions with a narrow margin of error. So now all that’s left to do is the theorizing…..


Stephen Jay Gould. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. Harvard University Press. 2002

Robert Wright. The Moral Animal. Vintage Books 1995

Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel. W.W. Norton and Co. 1999

Charles Darwin. The Origin of Species. Random House. 1859


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

  • Vitrum edere possum; mihi non nocet.
  • muy cool
    ....y para las niñas que no les gusta el vidrio....
    Naku Penda

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    la peda, teoría de sistemas y las reglas de operación...

    Me gustan las clases que te hacen usar la cabeza y cuestionarte los supuestos más básicos de tu cosmovisión. Hoy estaba en clase analizando la teoría de sistemas y salí pensando...

    Antes los sistemas se imaginaban como un proceso, le pones input al sistema y sale un output. i.e. Chupo mucha cheve (input) y mi panza (el sistema) trata de digerirla, al tomar demasiada cheve el sistema se enoja y me hace cantar Oaxaca (el output). Pero un maestrin llamado Luhmann decidió que no era posible porque no estamos tomando en cuenta que el mundo es dinámico y NO estático, (esto no decir que se estira jaja, sino que cambia y no se queda igual).

    Entonces se imaginó un modelo en donde un sistema esta adentro de todo lo que no es ese sistema, alias entorno. (i.e. el escusado a donde vas a echar el output.) Cada sistema tiene un entorno que es excluyente al sistema (i.e. tu wakara y el baño son diferentes), pero ese entorno en realidad esta compuesto por otros sistemas, y es difícil diferenciar entre el entorno y el sistema porque interactúan entre ellos y parecen tener áreas grises.(i.e. es mi wakara o así es el color del agua?) Entonces, si siempre un sistema tiene un entorno (todo su alrededor que NO es el sistema que estas viendo) significa que hay una barrera que diferencia este entorno del sistema. Pero acaso no se te pueden ocurrir excepciones?

    Pues si si, eres un chingón, porque NO HAY. Lo que hace a un sistema ser sistema son las Reglas de Operación, (i.e. como sirve el sistema, tu panza te pone reglas de que no chupes demasiado, o la chava que te gusta te dice que no le agarres las pompis) y son precisamente estas reglas las que deciden si nos va bien en el sistema o no. Si somos parte del sistema entre mejor las entendamos, mas fácil va a ser moldear el sistema a tus objetivos (i.e. REGLAS: 1 si chupas te pones pedo, 2 si te pones pedo wakareas y te da camaloca PERO si no cruzas no. Al saber esta regla te puedes poner pedo sin cruzar y no sufres las consecuencias de wakarear, entonces no hay outputs indeseados, sea por donde vayan a salir jeje)

    Ahora, la vida de un sistema es tan grande como las personas que lo siguen. Mientras las reglas de operación no cambien el sistema sigue siendo el mismo (si puedes mantener tu panza como cuando eras chico, siempre te vas a poner pedo con dos chelas) y el alcance es igual (mientras haya cheve, las personas se pondrán pedas y los hombres sufrirán de renegaciones por parte de sus contrapartes de animo mas templado)

    Para hacer las cosas todavía más locas y confusas cada sistema tiene subsistemas, y es a su vez siempre un subsistema de un sistema más grande. WTF man!, pero bueno, no es esencial entenderlo todo si nomas vas a leer esto (aunque es chido analizar algunas movies con este lentecillo).

    Lo importante es que me puse a pensar sobre lo que es la vida (y no exactamente la peda), y decidí que en realidad todos solo estamos tratando de entender las reglas del juego. Es lo que nos diferencia de los animales, nosotros buscamos formas de ver las cadenas para así poder romperlas. Bueno, al menos algunos de nosotros. Es lo que diferencia un mapper de un packer, la incesante búsqueda. Quizá es lo que hace que despertemos de una vida inconsecuente, en donde solo habría reacción y no acción, en donde no hay mas allá de lo que hay enfrente de ti.

    Pero ahora me doy cuenta que no estoy dormido.

    Si tienes hambre y sed (de pensar, no de chicharrones o de cheve jeje) LEE:
    Listening to the Left Hand de Frank Herbert que se encuentra
  • aquí
  • o si no sirve esta en esta direccion http://www.aeriagloris.com/Resources/FrankHerbertEssay/ListeningToTheLeftHand.htm

    PD: que mal rock que se murió Steve Irwin, alias el chingonsote de Crocodile Hunter =( que en paz descanses kin, ojala puedas domar las angelitas de alli arriba...

    tech support?

    nunca te has sentido que no sabes lo que esta pasando, como que la matrix ya fallo, y no sabes que hacer?

    haz como en Vanilla Sky, voltea a cielo y grita con todas tus fuerzas:


    jeje =)


    Señor Don POiO favr de vaciar el vanal contenido de sus neuronas AQUI.....

    Ate. el que piensa pero no piensa

    Dios! pendejo.....